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Download free Ancient G Modern font - Free fonts download

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Download free Ancient G Modern font by Free fonts download free for Personal Use. Font list styles: Ancient_G_Modern.ttf,
  • Ancient G Modern
  • Ancient G Modern

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  • Ancient G Modern Ancient_G_Modern.ttf
    Ancient G Modern font - Ancient_G_Modern.ttf

Ancient G Modern | Ancient_G_Modern.ttf

  • Font family: Ancient G Modern
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: Ancient G Modern:Version 1. 00
  • Full font name: Ancient G Modern
  • Version: Version 1. 00 September 26, 2008, initial release
  • Postscript font name: AncientGModern
  • Trademark notice: Anquietas is a trademark of Joseph Spicer.
  • Manufacturer name: Joseph Spicer
  • Designer: Joseph Spicer
  • Description: A variant of the ANCIENT glyphsets used by the Ancients in Stargate: Atlantis. The purpose with this revision is to CREATE PUNCTUATION and ADDITIONAL CHARSSYMBS to facilitate better clarity when applying this font to English documents which contain punctuation and other characters. Per show canon, the Ancients did not appear to use punctuation marks, nor did they distinguish between UpperLower case. Again, to facilitate use of this font in regular documents or even as the Windows font for menus etc I have created CAPITALIZED VARIANTS which are identical to the lower case except I added a SQUARE DOT FLOATING ABOVE TOP LEFT of CAPPED KEYS. Passwords and user names sometimes use Lcase and Ucase letters, so it is necessary to distinguish the 2 cses in daily life here on Earth! My logic for the design of new characters is as follows: Letters are made up of whiteblack blocked spaces dividing on a 3 wide by 4 high grid. A few letters make use of subdivsions within the grid. In canon, all numerals share a centered descender "tail " unlike the letters. I took this further, by giving all punctuation mark glyphs a centered ascender on top, like an upside down version of the numeral tail an "antenna " if you will. This should make it easier to become facile at visually distinguishing punctuation marks from letters or numbers. Some punctuation marks or symbols are used in numericmath contexts partly or wholly. So, math or number oriented and shared alphanumericmath punctuations are given the "tail " of numerals and the "antenna " of punctuationsymbols to so indicate the context. The numbers, in canon, have a slightly more subdivided or even an altered grid used in their design than do the letters. Here, as well, both numbers and punctuationsymbols share this more prominent use of subdivision or underlying grid different from the letter glyphs. Overall, I tried to adhere to the digital, techno-sensibility of the glyphs as seen in SG-1 and SGA while striking a balance with variations of weight and tone so as to be reasonably attractive, while remaining aware of the need to make this practical and functional. How well I fared toward my goals, I leave to you to decide. : Gen Aris genaris@gmail. com
  • License: Use andor modify as desired with no restrictions other than I'd appreciate that revision versions NOT USE the same name to avoid confusion.

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