AsÂket is neuÂtÂral neoÂgroÂtesk typeÂfaÂmiÂly in 58 styÂles – 7 weights in 4 widths with itaÂlics and norÂmal width hair with itaÂlic. TyÂpeÂfaÂmiÂly supÂports WesÂtern, CE, BalÂtic, TurÂkish and CyÂrilÂlic enÂcoÂding lanÂguages including loÂcaÂliÂzed letters for some alphaÂbets (bulÂgarian, serÂbian etc.) All styÂles conÂtains small caÂpiÂtal forÂms, liÂgaÂtuÂres, styÂlisÂtic alÂterÂnaÂtes, case senÂsiÂtiÂve punÂctuaÂtions, liÂning, oldÂstyle and smallÂcaps fiÂguÂres (inÂcluÂding curÂrency and math opeÂrators) with taÂbular vaÂriants, superÂscripts and subÂscripts, nuÂmeÂraÂtors and deÂnoÂmiÂnaÂtors. Four styÂles are disÂtriÂbuted free under CC BY-ND liÂcenÂse (free for perÂsoÂnal and comÂmerÂcial use, free disÂtriÂbution subÂject to atÂtriÂbuÂtion).
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Free for Personal Use
This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.