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Download free Austie Bost Arrow Mania font - Free fonts download

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Download free Austie Bost Arrow Mania font by Free fonts download free for Personal Use. Font list styles: austie-bost-arrow-mania.regular.ttf,
  • Austie Bost Arrow Mania font
  • Austie Bost Arrow Mania font
  • Austie Bost Arrow Mania font
  • Austie Bost Arrow Mania
  • Austie Bost Arrow Mania
Things at my house have been incredibly busy! I moved two weeks ago, so we've been getting our house in order-- I have an office now! Of course it's also the homeschool room and the arts'n'crafts room, but OHMYGOSH having a space with a DESK? What a treat!

So there's a story behind this font... For Austie Bost Envelopes, I worked with Ms. Kristi of I Should Be Mopping the Floor to get it juuuust right. When I asked about extras, she said ARROWS, and lots of them! I came up with lots, but could only cram so many into an alpha font... so here are the rest and a few more. :)

So thanks Kristi!! For a great idea for a wingdings font!

Please donate $5 for commercial use. :)

Please donate paypal account: [email protected]

Austie Bost Arrow Mania font

Austie Bost Arrow Mania font

Austie Bost Arrow Mania font

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Free for Personal Use

This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.

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  • Austie Bost Arrow Mania austie-bost-arrow-mania.regular.ttf
    Austie Bost Arrow Mania font - austie-bost-arrow-mania.regular.ttf

Austie Bost Arrow Mania | austie-bost-arrow-mania.regular.ttf

  • Font family: Austie Bost Arrow Mania
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: AustieBostFonts: Austie Bost Arrow Mania: 2014
  • Full font name: Austie Bost Arrow Mania
  • Version: Version 1. 000
  • Postscript font name: AustieBostArrowMania
  • Trademark notice: Austie Bost Arrow Mania is a trademark of Austie Bost Fonts.
  • Manufacturer name: Austie Bost Fonts
  • Designer: Austin Owens
  • Description: Copyright c 2014 by Austie Bost Fonts. All rights reserved.
  • License: Austiebost Fonts by Austin Owens is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3. 0 Unported License.

Austie Bost Font Information

Font information for:
Austie Bost Arrow Mania

Price: $5
Description: Austie Bost Arrow Mania is a trendy, fun arrow wingdings font!
Tags: Handdrawn, Arrows, Wingdings, Fun, Trendy, Variety

Austie Bost Fonts Terms of Use

* Terms of Use:

This font, created by Austin Owens (a.k.a. Austie Bost) is free for personal use. For commercial use, please contact me!

For non-profit use, this font is conditionally free; please contact me with project details for approval.

This product is FREE for personal use, and PAID for commercial uses. This is a license for ONE desktop user.

You may:
* Use this font for personal use (where you do not receive any compensation related to how you use the font)
* Pay to use this font for commercial use: "branding, greeting cards, logos, movie captions, movie credits, PDFs, Pens, Signs,T-Shirts... and more."

You may NOT:
* Alter the font in any way
* Claim the font as your own
* Redistribute the font
* Create a stamp set where the font IS your product (Like alphabet stamps); likewise with house numbers sets, etc.

If you have any questions about font usage, just message me and I can help with specific situations. :)

* Contact Information:
Austin Owens

[email protected]


General Online Licensing Information:



* Payment Information

Paypal: [email protected]

* Co-marketing! I would love to feature your project in my blog/Facebook/Pinterest marketing! Please contact me for details!

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