This font PERSONAL USE ONLY ( Non Commercial Use )
Purchase Commercial License only $10 :
License List :
1. Personal Use License
2. Commercial Use License
3. Web LIcense
4. E-Pub License
5. App/Game License
6. Extended License
7. Broadcast License
8. Monetized Sosial Media License
9. Server LIcense
10.Corporate License
If you need one of the license above, please let me know by email.
Email :
[email protected]
Link Paypal for donation :
NOTE : If you violate the license, we will impose a fine of $1000
Font ini hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi, tidak diperuntukan untuk keperluan komersil seperti cetak undangan,print,poster,sablon dan bentuk apapun yang menghasilkan keuntungan/profit.
Untuk penggunaan komersil anda bisa membeli Lisensi Komersial di link di bawah ini :
Daftar Lisensi :
1. Lisensi Penggunaan Pribadi
2. Lisensi Penggunaan Komersil
More...Author name: Rayvaldo Rizki Pratama Augusta, website:, email: [email protected]
Please donate paypal account: [email protected]

Free for Personal Use
This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.