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Download free Catharsis Macchiato font - Free fonts download

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Download free Catharsis Macchiato font by Free fonts download free for Personal Use. Font list styles: catharsis-macchiato.regular.ttf,
This font is inspired by the ubiquitous cute and trendy espresso cafés in New Zealand. It's intended for the logo and menu of such a café, but I'm sure you can find many other uses for it.

The most common non-English languages are supported, and there is even a selection of two-character ligatures to spice up the typography. They don't appear by themselves as with Zapfino, though, you'll have to select them yourself. They're mapped onto rarely-used characters of the US Mac keyboard. You can see a demo image made with Macchiato on my site:

Finally, a steaming coffee cup and the Itchy Dog logo are included. DO NOT USE THE ITCHY DOG LOGO COMMERCIALLY, OR WITHOUT CLEAR REFERENCE TO ME. I might use it myself in the near future.

Catharsis Macchiato font

Catharsis Macchiato font

Catharsis Macchiato font

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Free for Personal Use

This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.

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  • Catharsis Macchiato Regular catharsis-macchiato.regular.ttf
    Catharsis Macchiato Regular font - catharsis-macchiato.regular.ttf

Catharsis Macchiato Regular | catharsis-macchiato.regular.ttf

  • Font family: Catharsis Macchiato
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: Altsys Fontographer 4. 0 Catharsis Macchiato
  • Full font name: Catharsis Macchiato
  • Version: Altsys Fontographer 4. 0 06. 07. 2005
  • Postscript font name: CatharsisMacchiato


Catharsis Macchiato

A TrueType font created by Christian Thalmann (cinga at gmx dot
net, Distribute and use freely, but not without this
readme file. If you should use it for a poster campaign, flyer,
invitation or something, I'd appreciate it if you'd send me an e-mail
about it. I like to see my work put to use. =)

This font is aimed at coffee bars and the likes, hence the name. It
offers a range of ligatures; use a keyboard tool to find them all.

I'm rather proprietary about the Itchy Dog logo; do not use it for
any commercial purpose, and accompany any public purpose with an
explicit reference to me.

-- Christian Thalmann

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