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Download free Do Doodle font - Free fonts download

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Download free Do Doodle font by Free fonts download free for Personal Use. Font list styles: Do Doodle.ttf, DoDoodle.otf,
  • Do Doodle Regular
  • Do Doodle Regular
  • Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx
  • Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx

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Free for Personal Use

This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.

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  • Do Doodle Regular Do Doodle.ttf
    Do Doodle Regular font - Do Doodle.ttf
  • Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx DoDoodle.otf
    Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx font - DoDoodle.otf

Do Doodle Regular | Do Doodle.ttf

  • Font family: Do Doodle
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: Do Doodle:Version 1. 00
  • Full font name: Do Doodle
  • Version: Version 1. 00 June 12, 2012, initial release
  • Postscript font name: DoDoodle
  • Trademark notice: Copyright c Galdino Otten, 2012
  • Designer: Galdino Otten
  • Description: This font was created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. com
  • License: Do Doodleª Font Family By Galdino Otten © copyright Free for personal use Donation required for Commercial Use Email galdinocartum@gmail. com Donate to Galdino Otten at PayPal. com to galdinocartum@gmail. com Blog: http:onlyillustration. blogspot. com http:galdinoottenbr. blogspot. com Terms of UseEnd User Lisence Agreement Upon downloading this font the user bound to abide the Free Font Terms of UseFree Font End User License Agreement TOUEULA defined below. This agreement pertains to youthe user and the liscencing rights aquired with this download. These rights are specific to free download and usage of this font, i. e. a personal use License agreement. - Free Font Terms of Use Free Font End User License Agreement: - 1. This font is free for personal use. 2. The distribution of this font for financial gain or profit is not permitted under any circumstances and is strictly prohibited. Do not add this font to a font CD or compilation and or archive that is to be sold for a profit. Basically, don't sell this font, and do not make things that are to be sold with this font. . . It's free for personal use only. Commercial use requires the user to obtain a Commercial Font End User License. A Commercial Font End User License is granted after a PayPal donation has been received. contact me galdinojp@yahoo. com. br for more details. For profit scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking material s or scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking materials intended to be soldresold with this font are also prohibited under this license, and require a commercial License. To obtain a Commercial Font End User License for this font contact me galdinojp@yahoo. com. br Please note, scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking use of this font is only restricted when pertaining to the making of any for profit items. Otherwise creating items to be used "personally, " whether in a traditional scrapbook or digital scrapbook is entirely permitted under this free License. 3. This font file must be kept intact as downloaded. Under no circumstances may this font file itself be edited, altered, or modified at any time or in any measure. This prohibits and indcludes but is not limited to, renaming this font file, as well as the creation of so-called "new " andor derivitave fonts from this font file or any other possible digital representations. 4. Redistribution of this font is permitted only if this readme is, as well as the font file itself, kept intact as is, and it is offered free of charge, no fee is implemented upon the aquistition of this font. If you do redistribute this font, please contact me galdinojp@yahoo. com. br with details. 5. Upon downloading this font, the user accepts all liability and sole responsibility for the font file and any accompanying files therein. Galdino Otten is not responsible or liable for any damages, loss or other consequences incurred as a result of downloading this font, or otherwise relating or associated with the download. *Personal use does not constitute "public domain. " **If you are interested in the commercial use of this font or using this font in any manner outside the realm of "personal use, " you must obtain the rights to use this font commercially Commercial Font End User License prior to doing so. To obtain a Commercial Font End User License Agreement with this font, contact me galdinojp@yahoo. com. br Thanks for accepting these terms.

Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx | DoDoodle.otf

  • Font family: Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx
  • Unique identifier: Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx†‰“–» £ª­´·µÁÈËÎ
  • Full font name: Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx
  • Version: Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx†‰“–» £ª­´·µÁÈËÎÕÜãæíð÷ú !$'. 5
  • Postscript font name: Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdk
  • Trademark notice: Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx†‰“–» £ª­´·µÁÈËÎÕÜãæíð÷ú !$'. 5
  • Manufacturer name: Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx†
  • Designer: Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx†‰“–» £
  • Description: Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx†‰“–» £ª­´·µÁÈËÎÕÜãæíð÷ú !$'. 5?¨Aâíñ¢Q걬Ñå°~rå¬k‰á·b±mì+5x6`î·I—lþO ô-´¼„­Okƒ}Êç«Ùi—‹v
  • License: Do Doodlewas created using FontCreator 6. 5 from High-Logic. comdknqx†‰“–» £ª­´·µÁÈËÎÕÜãæíð÷ú !$'. 5?¨Aâíñ¢Q걬Ñå°~rå¬k‰á·b±mì+5x6`î·I—lþO ô-´¼„­Okƒ}Êç«Ùi—‹v×QI T¤QI TRI TxRI TâRI TLSI T¶SI P TI T†TI PðTI TVUI TÀUI T*VI T”VI SþVI TgWI SÑWI T:XI T¤XI TYI WxYI TåYI WOZI T¥ZI W&[I S“[I Wü[I Ti\I TÓ\I T=]I T§]I T^I T{^I Tå^I POI LµI T`I T`I Pë`I TQaI P»aI T!bI T‹bI TõbI TcI PÉcI TdI T™dI PeI TieI TÓeI P=fI P£fI T gI PsgI LÙgI T;hI L¡hI TiI TqiI TÛiI TEjI T¯jI SkI T‚kI VìkI TXlI TÂlI T, mI T–mI TnI TjnI TÔnI T>oI T¨oI TpI SpI TåpI SOqI 7¸qI 3rI 7NrI 3’rI 7ärI 31sI zsI 7±sI 3tI 7OtI ¶tI 7ÛtI 3uI 3quI 7ºuI 3vI 7PvI 0»vI 7ãvI 70wI 7}wI 7ÊwI 7xI 7dxI 3±xI úxI 39yI 7‚yI 7ÏyI 7zI 3izI 7²zI 7ÿzI 3L{I 7•{I â{I 7!I 7nI 3»I 7}I 7Q}I ¾}I 3Ý}I 7&~I 3s~I , ¥~I þ~I 7=I 3©I 3ÓI Q€I Qƒ€I Qê€I QQI U¸I E#‚I Q~‚I Qå‚I QLƒI Q³ƒI M„I Q}„I Qä„I UK…I Q¶…I N†I Q†I Qè†I QO‡I Q¶‡I QˆI Q„ˆI QëˆI QR‰I Q±‰I Q ©I Q‡©I Qî©I NU‹I Q±‹I N ¦I Q„¦I Që¦I QR«I Q±«I Q ®I Q‡®I Qî®I QU¬I Q¥¬I Q#I M©I QíI UT‘I Q¿‘I Q&’I N«’I Qñ’I QX“I , ¿“I 0”I 0G”I 0«”I , Ó”I •I , S•I 0••I , Û•I 4–I 0g–I 3­–I ö–I 3;—I „—I 3É—I ˜I 3W˜I  ˜I 3å˜I . ™I 3s™I 3¥™I 3¹I 3N¹I 3—¹I 3à¹I 3’I r’I 3·’I ¶I 3E¶I 5®¶I 9Ù¶I 2»I 6p»I 5¥»I 9¾I 5V¾I 9·¾I 5ð¾I 2;¼I 9ƒ¼I 2Ò¼I 5 I 2e I 9­ I 2ü I 9D·I 2“·I IÛ·I I:¢I I™¢I Mø¢I I[£I Qº£I J!¤I Q¤I Fè¤I ID¡I I£¡I I¦I Ia¦I QÀ¦I I'§I Q†§I Ií§I ML¨I I¯¨I F©I Mj©I IÍ©I I, ªI I‹ªI FêªI IF«I I¡«I I¬I Ic¬I Q¬I I­I Jˆ­I Iè­I JG®I I§®I M¯I Ii¯I IȯI M'°I M©°I Ií°I FL±I I¨±I F²I Mc²I IƲI I%³I I„³I Jã³I QC´I Iª´I Q µI IpµI QϵI I6¶I Q•¶I Iü¶I Q[·I I·I I!¸I I€¸I ߸I  ±I 7±I ]c±I ]Ö±I ]IºI ]¥ºI ]»I Y¢»I ]¥I ]„¥I Y÷¥I ]f½I ]Ù½I ]LµI Y¿µI ]. ¿I U·¿I ] ÀI ]ÀI ]òÀI ]eÁI ]ØÁI ]KÂI ]µÂI ]1ÃI ]¤ÃI YÄI Y†ÄI ]õÄI YhÅI ]×ÅI YJÆI Y±ÆI ]ÇI Y’ÇI ] ÈI ]}ÈI ]ðÈI ]cÉI YÖÉI YEÊI ]´ÊI ]'ËI ]¹ËI ] ÌI ]€ÌI ]óÌI ]fÍI ]ÙÍI ]LÎI ]¿ÎI Y2ÏI ]·ÏI YÐI YƒÐI ]òÐI ]eÑI YØÑI YGÒI ]¶ÒI ]ÓI ]¶ÓI ]ÔI ]‚ÔI ]õÔI ]hÕI ]ÛÕI pOÖI pÖÖI p]×I dä×I pØI pæØI mmÙI pñÙI lxÚI pûÚI p‚ÛI h ÜI pˆÜI pÝI p–ÝI pÞI p¤ÞI b+ßI p¤ßI p+àI h²àI p1áI h¸áI p7âI pµâI mEãI pÉãI mPäI pÔäI p[åI pâåI piæI pðæI ewçI póçI yèI ªèI ÜèI éI éI NéI téI —éI ½éI àéI êI êI OêI "uêI "­êI %åêI % ëI %[ëI %–ëI WÑëI V>ìI RªìI WíI RíI VçíI RSîI V»îI V'ïI V“ïI VÿïI RkðI NÓðI R7ñI N¼ñI RòI RkòI RÓòI R;óI V£óI RôI RwôI RßôI RGõI V¯õI RöI VƒöI RïöI RW÷I R¿÷I R'øI R¬øI R÷øI NùI RÃùI R+úI R“úI RûúI NcûI RÇûI NüI R“üI RûüI RcýI RËýI N3þI R—þI RÿþI RgÿI VÏÿI R;J N£J qJ uJ qJ q¤J q, J n´J q9J uÁJ qMJ qÕJ u]J qéJ uqJ qýJ q…J g J q‹ J n J q˜ J n J q¡ J u- J n± J u> J jÊ J qKJ uÓJ qJ qçJ qoJ m÷J u{J qJ u¬J mJ m¼J q#J u«J n7J q¥J qDJ nÌJ qQJ jÙJ mZJ nÞJ qcJ nëJ npJ qõJ q}J nJ q©J jJ j“J nJ q™J L J O‚J LçJ OI J L® J I!J Lo!J OÑ!J L6 "J O˜ "J Lý "J P#J IÅ#J S$$J W«$J Oú$J L%J SÁ%J O*&J O¬&J Lô&J SV'J I¿'J SJ P‡J SíJ PVJ S¥J I%*J S„*J Pí*J LS+J Pµ+J L, J P}, J Pã, J LI-J S«-J L. 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  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
#do#doodle#font#do doodle#doodle font#do doodle font#do doodle-ttf#regular#chalk crayon#script#do doodlewas#dodoodle-otf#dodoodle#do doodlettf#doodlettf#galdino#otten#galdino otten#dodoodleotf#doodlewas#created#using#fontcreator#from#high-logic#comdknqx#doodlewas created#created using#using fontcreator#fontcreator 6#6 5#5 from#from high-logic#high-logic comdknqx#do doodlewas created#doodlewas created using#created using fontcreator#using fontcreator 6#fontcreator 6 5#6 5 from#5 from high-logic#from high-logic comdknqx#do doodlewas created using#doodlewas created using fontcreator#created using fontcreator 6#using fontcreator 6 5#fontcreator 6 5 from#6 5 from high-logic#5 from high-logic comdknqx#do doodlewas created using fontcreator#doodlewas created using fontcreator 6#created using fontcreator 6 5#using fontcreator 6 5 from#fontcreator 6 5 from high-logic#6 5 from high-logic comdknqx#do doodlewas created using fontcreator 6#doodlewas created using fontcreator 6 5#created using fontcreator 6 5 from#using fontcreator 6 5 from high-logic#fontcreator 6 5 from high-logic comdknqx#do doodlewas created using fontcreator 6 5 from high-logic comdknqx#comdk#high-logic comdk#from high-logic comdk#5 from high-logic comdk#6 5 from high-logic comdk#fontcreator 6 5 from high-logic comdk#do doodlewas created using fontcreator 6 5 from high-logic comdk#comdknqx†#high-logic comdknqx†#from high-logic comdknqx†#5 from high-logic comdknqx†#6 5 from high-logic comdknqx†#fontcreator 6 5 from high-logic comdknqx†#do doodlewas created using fontcreator 6 5 from high-logic comdknqx†#comdknqx†‰» £#high-logic comdknqx†‰» £#from high-logic comdknqx†‰» £#5 from high-logic comdknqx†‰» £#6 5 from high-logic comdknqx†‰» £#fontcreator 6 5 from high-logic comdknqx†‰» £#do doodlewas created using fontcreator 6 5 from high-logic comdknqx†‰» £#script fonts

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