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Download free Donjonikons font - Free fonts download

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Download free Donjonikons font by Free fonts download free for Personal Use. Font list styles: Donjonikons.ttf,
  • Donjonikons font
  • Donjonikons font
  • Donjonikons font
  • Donjonikons Regular
10x10 fantasy- and RPG-related icons. The bigger they are, the better they look! See the image gallery for a legend for the glyphs.

My fonts are Public Domain. Donations are appreciated, but never required. Have fun!

Author name: zephram, email: [email protected]

Please donate paypal account: [email protected]

Donjonikons font

Donjonikons font

Donjonikons font

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Free for Personal Use

This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.

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  • Donjonikons Regular Donjonikons.ttf
    Donjonikons Regular font - Donjonikons.ttf

Donjonikons Regular | Donjonikons.ttf

  • Font family: Donjonikons
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: Donjonikons
  • Full font name: Donjonikons Regular
  • Version: Version 1. 0
  • Postscript font name: Donjonikons
  • Trademark notice: FontStruct is a trademark of FontStruct. com
  • Manufacturer name: https:fontstruct. com
  • Designer: zephram
  • Description: ÒDonjonikonsÓ was built with FontStructDesigner description: 10x10 fantasy- and RPG-related icons. The bigger they are, the better they look!The first eight A-H were made for a friend's request. Now I'm adding more on my own!Got an idea or request for a new item? Let me know and I'll add it. I am trying to add an item for every "character class " I can think of before I move on to start adding second items for them. This helps keep the assortment diverse. *A - Knight's BladeB - Warrior's ShieldC - Paladin's HelmetD - Samurai's ArmourE - Wizard's PotionF - Thief's KeysG - Monk's RosaryH - Dwarf's PickaxeI - Necromancer's ScrollJ - Sorceress' StaffK - Shaman's Totem SpiderL - Ninja's GloveM - Assassin's BowN - Cleric's Holy SymbolO - Viking's HammerP - Bandit's BucklerQ - Barbarian's AxeR - Druid's MandrakeS - Priest's AltarT - Jester's CrownsU - Warlock's Book of ShadowsV - Witch's LanternW - Dancer's LeiX - Hypnotist's CharmY - Miner's HatZ - Explorer's Mapa - Trapper's Caltropsb - Demolitionist's Arsenalc - Vampire Hunter's Boomerangd - Herbalist's Bage - Archaeologist's Fossilf - Goblin's War Trumpetg - Gourmand's Platterh - Musician's Harpi - Gladiator's Netj - Oracle's Beadsk - Bard's Singing Swordl - Spelunker's Ropem - Merchant's Abacusn - Gambler's Diceo - Siege Operator's Catapultp - Aztec's Warclub Macuahuitlq - Drunken Master's Jugr - Fighter's Headbands - Judge's Gavelt - Guru's Meditation Ballsu - Dungeoneer's Folding Ladderv - Moneychanger's Scalesw - Cultist's Altarx - Magician's Haty - Friar's Crossz - Fisher's Harpoon0 - Skeleton1 - Kobold2 - Goblin3 - Bone Dragon4 - Pumpkin Head5 - Slime6 - Vampire7 - Imp8 - Dragon9 - Mimic. - Chest, - Pile of Loot*See also: Donjon16,  Militaricons,  Travelicons
  • License: Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication

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