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This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.
Indiana Jonas
OpenType font
by V�t �ond�k
En Cz Sk Pl Fr De
Category: cartoon
Panose: 4-7-6-4-3-1-2-2-10-2
[ English License ]
Free for personal or non-commercial use.
In case you want to use the font for a commercial project please contact me to buy a license.
The public version of the font intentionally does not include number 0.
The full version is available only to licensed users.
If you think something in this font doesn't feel right please contact me.
[English description]
While experimenting with OpenType features I got the idea that they can be used
to emulate the perspective effect of Indiana Jones logo so I decided to give it a try. =)
The final result is not the exact replica, but some kind of compromise.
The letters of the original logo are slighly overlapping each other and it would be
too complicated to handle all possible combinations and exceptions so I had to somewhat
unify the width of the letters to fit the perspective curve.
To make the perspective works you have to enable OpenType feature called "Contextual Alternates".
The perspective currently works up to five chained lower case letters. The following letters
keep the same size.
The upper case letters and numbers always keep their original size.
If you want to get closer to the original logo please use Italic version.
I prefer Regular though. =)
[ �esk� licence ]
Zdarma pro osobn� a nekomer�n� u�it�.
V p��pad�, �e chcete font pou��t pro komer�n� ��ely, je nutn� m� kontaktovat a koupit si licenci.
Ve�ejn� verze fontu z�m�rn� neobsahuje ��slici 0.
Pln� verze je dostupn� pouze licencovan�m u�ivatel�m.
Pokud ve fontu objev�te n�co, co by bylo vhodn� opravit nebo doladit, tak m� pros�m kontaktujte.
[�esk� popis]
B�hem experimentov�n� s funkcemi OpenType m� napadlo, �e by bylo mo�n� je pou��t
k emulaci perspektivn�ho efektu loga filmu Indiana Jones, a tak jsem se o to pokusil. =)
V�sledn� font nen� p�esn� replika, ale sp�e kompromis.
P�smena origin�ln�ho loga se ��ste�n� p�ekr�vaj� a vy�e�it v�echny kombinace a v�jimky
by bylo p��li� komplikovan�, tak�e jsem musel ���ku p�smen trochu sjednotit,
aby u��� miniatury nenaru�ovaly "perspektivn� k�ivku".
Aby perspektiva fungovala, je t�eba zapnout OpenType funkci "Contextual Alternates".
Perspektivn� zmen�ov�n� v sou�asnosti funguje u mal�ch p�smen, kter� mohou postupn� nab�vat
p�ti velikost�. N�sleduj�c� mal� p�smena u� se d�le nezmen�uj�.
Velk� p�smena a ��slice si v�dy zachov�vaj� svou p�vodn� velikost.
Pokud se chcete v�ce p�ibl�it origin�ln�mu logu pou�ijte pros�m �ez Italic.
J� ov�em d�v�m p�ednost �ezu Regular. =)
0.48 2017-09-03
* tweaking margins: TM (R) a* d* o* q*
* tweaked: c* gbreve*
* miniatures to composites: l+middot
0.47 2017-08-28
* all margins -100
* tweaked: S
* tweaking margins: a* u* t* ' " @
0.46 2017-08-27
* miniatures to composites: st+cedilla aeiou+ogonek
* tweaking margins: O*
0.45 2017-08-25
* tweaking margins: ' AQT a*c*mn*qt*u* thorn
* miniatures to composites: ccedilla
* kerning: ta* fa*
0.44 2017-08-24
* tweaking margins a*-z*
0.43 2017-08-24
* miniatures to composites: ag+dot ainou+tilde au+ring
* tweaked: gcommabelow*
0.42 2017-08-18
* miniatures to composites: aeiouy+macron *breve.6
* tweaked: longs*
0.41 2017-08-17
* miniatures to composites: chgjsw+circ !down ?down
* tweaked: j*
0.40 2017-08-16
* tweaking margins: g* v* w* x* y* z* oslash*
* miniatures to composites: ycirc ncaron
0.39 2017-08-16
* tweaked: dieresis
* miniatures to composites: i* a*.6 u*.6 z*
+ kerning: tcaron+a* a*+tcaron
0.38 2017-08-15
+ size .6
* fixed kerning of some miniatures
* fixed positions: circumflex caron breve
* miniatures to composites: e*
+ dotaccent.3456
0.37 2017-08-14
* miniatures to composites: u* ecirc ydier *acute *grave
+ kerning: ay*
* tweaked u
0.36 2017-08-12
* margins: b d e f z pound currency paragraph etc.
+ kerning: by* dy* ly*
0.35 2017-08-11
+ quotes.345
* fixed miniature acute positions
* partial cleanup
* margins: .,;
* tweaked o
* turned some miniatures to composites
0.34 2017-08-10
+ pound lira currency mu daggers
* 3 yen
* partial cleanup
* margin: a z
* script: dblquote moved to non-letter
0.33 2017-08-09
+ IJ ij paragraph ordmas ordfem No perthousand
+ 1234superior 1/3 1/2 3/4 < > <= >=
* fraction script
0.32 2017-08-08
+ Hbar Tbar
* imacron
* margin: b h
0.31 2017-08-07
+ GKLNR+commabelow Eng bullet
* margin: V* W* Y*
* partial cleanup
0.30 2017-05-21
* tweaking margins: a g o s t y z (r) (C)
* plusminus
0.29 2017-05-19
+ { }
TM.345 (R).345
0.28 2017-05-18
+ guillemots.345 multiply.345 divide.345 (R) dashes
* -
0.27 2017-05-17
+ longs
* Lslash lslash guillemots
0.26 2017-05-16
+ AEGIOU+breve aegiou+breve germandbls
+ Uhungarumlaut uhungarumlaut
+ # * [ ] @ (c) guillemots multiply
* %
0.25 2017-05-15
+ ( ) $ cent | % section Yen
* _
0.24 2017-05-11
+ Oslash oslash + / \ _ minus plusminus
0.23 2017-05-09
+ Eth eth Dcroat dcroat -
0.22 2017-04-25
+ CST+cedilla cst+cedilla
* a.345 e.345 s.345
0.21 2017-03-08
+ AEIOUY+macron aeiouy+macron
+ Ohungarumlaut ohungarumlaut
* '
* margins: ccaron n
0.20 2017-03-07
+ EGL+dot egl+dot Lslash lslash &
* thorn
* margins: tcaron
0.19 2017-03-06
+ AEIOU+ogonek aeiou+ogonek Idot
0.18 2017-03-03
+ cghjsw+circumflex dotlessj
0.17 2017-02-27
+ ANOIU+tilde anoiu+tilde
+ Thorn thorn
0.16 2017-02-23
* cleanup
+ lacute dln+caron aeiouy+circ aeiouy+dieresis 4 questiondown
* margins: S s t
0.15 2017-02-22
+ ? 5 6 7 8 4
* 2 3
0.14 2017-02-21
+ eou+grave AUau+ring AE ae OE oe tcaron
+ ! exclamdown Euro
0.13 2017-02-19
+ AEIOU+grave agrave igrave
0.12 2017-02-18
* updated tranformations (fixing u v w etc.)
+ cenorsy+acute rsz+caron cz+dotaccent
0.11 2017-02-17
* unifying line widths a-z
* script: new class non-letter
+ kerning: AT TA at ta At Fa FA
0.10 2017-02-16
+ quotedbl oacute 0 1 2 3 . , ; :
* c g o p r w z
0.09 2017-02-16
+ iacute
+ alternative i
0.08 2017-02-16
* updated tranformations
+ transformation 2->1
+ m x y v w
* a l p r s u z
0.07 2017-02-15
* simplifying script
+ some small caps placeholders
0.06 2017-02-13
* indyfication of all existing letters
0.05 2017-02-12
+ d e f o p q r t
0.04 2017-02-11
+ basic script handling 4 levels
+ transformations 2-3 2-4
+ J
0.01 2017-02-10
+ first test
+ A D I N a d i n