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Download free Maquinada Sans font - Free fonts download

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Download free Maquinada Sans font by Free fonts download free for Personal Use. Font list styles: Maquinada_Sans.ttf, Maquinada_Serif.ttf,
  • Maquinada Sans font
  • Maquinada Sans font
  • Maquinada Sans font
  • Maquinada Sans font
  • Maquinada Sans font
  • Maquinada Sans Regular
  • Maquinada Sans Regular
  • Maquinada Sans Regular
  • Maquinada Serif Serif
  • Maquinada Serif Serif
  • Maquinada Serif Serif
Maquinada Sans & Serif – Free Font

Academic work designed for the discipline of typography, in the second year of Graphic Design at the State University of Londrina.

Thanks to: Gustavo André

Personal & Commercial Use

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Maquinada Sans font

Maquinada Sans font

Maquinada Sans font

Maquinada Sans font

Maquinada Sans font

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Free for Personal Use

This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.

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  • Maquinada Sans Regular Maquinada_Sans.ttf
    Maquinada Sans Regular font - Maquinada_Sans.ttf
  • Maquinada Serif Serif Maquinada_Serif.ttf
    Maquinada Serif Serif font - Maquinada_Serif.ttf

Maquinada Sans Regular | Maquinada_Sans.ttf

  • Font family: Maquinada Sans
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: FontForge 2. 0 : Maquinada Sans : 1-3-2016
  • Full font name: Maquinada Sans
  • Version: Version Regular
  • Postscript font name: MaquinadaSans

Maquinada Serif Serif | Maquinada_Serif.ttf

  • Font family: Maquinada Serif
  • Font subfamily identification: Serif
  • Unique identifier: FontForge 2. 0 : Maquinada Serif : 25-2-2016
  • Full font name: Maquinada Serif
  • Version: Version Serif
  • Postscript font name: Maquinada

End-User-License-Agreement-EULA (2)

1. Definitions

1.1. �Font Software� means coded software that is accompanied by this Agreement or that You are about to order online and which generates typeface designs when used with the appropriate hard- and software, plus any and all other data including documentation provided with such software.

1.2. �Licensed Unit� means an installation of the Font Software that allows up to five (5) concurrent users to use it at a single geographic location. A single geographic location is in particular the site of Your place of business. The geographic restriction does not apply to portable computers if they are owned by You.

2. Grant of License

2.1. Embedding. You may embed the Font Software in documents, applications or devices either as a rasterized representation of the Font Software (e. g., a GIF or JPEG) or as a subset of the Font Software as long as the document, application or device is distributed in a secure format that permits only the viewing and printing but not the editing of the text. You need an additional license from Monotype or its distributors (i) for the use of the Font Software in documents, applications or devices permitting editing of the text, if such documents, applications or devices shall be distributed to third parties or (ii) if the Font Software is embedded neither as a subset nor as a rasterized representation.
2.2. Backup. You may make backup copies of the Font Software for archival purposes only, provided that You retain exclusive custody and control over such copies. Any backup copy of the Font Software must contain the same copyright, trademark, and other proprietary information as the original.
2.3. Service bureaus. You may take a digitized copy of the Font Software used in a particular document to a commercial printer or service bureau for outputting this particular document (this document must not be edited by the printer or service bureau).
2.4. Copying.You may not copy the Font Software or allow third parties to copy the Font Software except as granted in 2.2 to 2.3. Any allowed copy of the Font Software must contain the same copyright, trademark, and other proprietary information as the originals.

3. Ownership

Any copyright, trademark and other rights belong exclusively to authors. You do not gain the ownership of the Font Software or any part hereof under this Agreement.

4. Transfer of License

Except as expressly provided herein, You may not give, rent or lease the Font Software or parts of it to third parties.

Gustavo Andr� & Henrique Petrus (authors);

For contact: [email protected]

[email protected]


PT_BR-End-User-Lincese-Agreement-EULA (1)

1. Defini��es

1.1. Fonte desenhada e programada no "Fontlab"

2. Concess�o de licen�a

2.1. Incorpora��o. Voc� pode converter a fonte em curvas, como uma imagem ou como subconjunto em um formato seguro permitindo visualiza��o e a impress�o.
2.2. Backup. Voc� pode fazer c�pias de seguran�a da fonte para arquivar ou guardar para respectivos usos.
2.3. Para outros servi�os. Voc� pode levar uma c�pia da Fonte usada em um documento espec�fico para uma impressora ou gr�fica, desde que n�o seja editado o documento da fonte.
2.4. C�pia/Pl�gio. Voc� n�o pode copiar esta fonte ou permitir a terceiros copiar exceto conforme concedido em 2.2 a 2.3. Qualquer c�pia permitida da fonte deve conter o mesmo autor, marcas registradas e outras informa��es propriet�rias originais.

3. Propriet�rios

N�s respeitamos as leis de direitos autorais, pedimos o mesmo para voc�, quando voc� faz o download deste arquivo voc� t�m o direito de usar mas N�O de comercializ�-la como um terceiro para revenda.

Gustavo Andr� & Henrique Petrus (autores);

Contato: [email protected]

[email protected]


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