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Download free MTF Base font - Free fonts download

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Download free MTF Base font by Free fonts download free for Personal Use. Font list styles: MTF Base.ttf, MTF Base Outline.ttf,
  • MTF Base Regular
  • MTF Base Regular
  • MTF Base Outline
  • MTF Base Outline

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Free for Personal Use

This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.

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  • MTF Base Regular MTF Base.ttf
    MTF Base Regular font - MTF Base.ttf
  • MTF Base Outline MTF Base Outline.ttf
    MTF Base Outline font - MTF Base Outline.ttf

MTF Base Regular | MTF Base.ttf

  • Font family: MTF Base
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: MTF Base:Version 1. 00
  • Full font name: MTF Base
  • Version: Version 1. 00 March 24, 2009, initial release
  • Postscript font name: MTFBase
  • Trademark notice: MTF Base¨ Trademark of MissTiina Fonts.
  • Designer: Miss Tiina
  • Description: This font was created using FontCreator 5. 6 from High-Logic. com
  • License: http:www. misstiina. comfonts

MTF Base Outline | MTF Base Outline.ttf

  • Font family: MTF Base Outline
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: MTF Base Outline:Version 1. 00
  • Full font name: MTF Base Outline
  • Version: Version 1. 00 October 24, 2007, initial release
  • Postscript font name: MTFBaseOutline
  • Trademark notice: MTF Base Outline¨ Trademark of MissTiina.
  • Designer: Tina Raparanta a. k. a. MissTiina
  • Description: This font was created using FontCreator 5. 5 from High-Logic. com
  • License: Thank you for downloading this font created by Tina Raparanta. ????Terms of use:????PLEASE DO NOT redistribute this font on any groups??or otherwise, even if it was given to you by me as a freebie. ??If your friends want to know where you got this font, you can ??send them to www. misstiina. com or www. scrapbook-bytes. com you??can have them email me at tiina@misstiina. com if the font is no??longer available on either of the above sites. ????As a user of this font, you are free to use, modify and??display the font and its images as you wish subject to certain restrictions as listed:????* You are free to incorporate the font and its images into your own original??art work and publish, display or distribute your work in any media, ??galleries, forums, blogs, providing that you include credit to the??source of the elements as "Font Designed By Miss Tiina ". ????* You are NOT free to claim the font or any of its images as your own, ??or use the font or any of its images in commercial designs that you??may or may not profit from without permission from me first. ????All fonts and images and content Copyright © 2006-2007 Tina E. J. Raparanta a. k. a. Miss Tiina??All rights reserved?? ??Thank you for your support!????Tina E. J. Raparanta??OwnerDesigner of MissTiina. com??Website: www. misstiina. com??Blog: www. misstiina. comblog????If you have any questions, about usage, or commercial licensing, please contact:??tiina@misstiina. com??

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