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Download free Straw Letters font - Free fonts download

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Download free Straw Letters font by Free fonts download free for Personal Use. Font list styles: Straw Letters.otf,
  • Straw Letters font
  • Straw Letters font
  • Straw Letters Regular
  • Straw Letters Regular
  • Straw Letters Regular
Straw Lettering is a decorative font which inspired by real straws.

This version is free for personal use only.

For commercial use please visit or email me [email protected]

You MAY NOT sell this font or claim them as your own.
You MAY NOT edit or rename this font.
You MAY NOT redistribute this font.

Thank you & I hope you like this font,



Author name: Szabi's Creative World, website:, email: [email protected]

Please donate paypal account: [email protected]

Straw Letters font

Straw Letters font

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Free for Personal Use

This fonts are authors' property, and are either shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Please look at the readme-files in the archives or check the indicated author's website for details, and contact him if in doubt. If no author/licence is indicated that's because we don't have information, that doesn't mean it's free.

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  • Straw Letters Regular Straw Letters.otf
    Straw Letters Regular font - Straw Letters.otf

Straw Letters Regular | Straw Letters.otf

  • Font family: Straw Letters
  • Font subfamily identification: Regular
  • Unique identifier: Straw Letters:Version 2. 00
  • Full font name: Straw Letters
  • Version: Version 2. 00 May 16, 2017
  • Postscript font name: StrawLetters
  • Designer: Szabi's Creative World


EN below!

K�sz�n�m, hogy let�lt�tted az �ltalam tervezett bet�t�pust.

K�rlek vedd figyelembe a k�vetkez�ket:

Nincs sz�ks�ged az enged�lyemre, hogy haszn�ld a bet�t�pust.


Szem�lyes haszn�latra vagy non-profit c�lra ingyen felhaszn�lhatod a bet�t.

MEGTEHETED a k�vetkez�ket:
-- Szem�lyes �s non-profit haszn�lata ingyenes
-- haszn�lhatod a saj�t blogodon, honlapodon
-- non-profit szervezetek is felhaszn�lhatj�k, ill. azok sz�m�ra is felhaszn�lhatod
-- szem�lyes oldalaidon, scrapbook albumjaidban, scrapbook oldalaidon b�tran felhaszn�lhatod, eg�szed addig am�g a felhaszn�lt tartalmakn�l felt�nteted a bet�t�pus nev�t �s engem, mint a a k�sz�t�j�t: Kors�s Szabina,

-- semmilyen k�r�l�m�nyek k�z�tt nem haszn�lhatod m�sok b�rmilyen �rtelemben s�rt� vagy pornogr�f tartalmak k�sz�t�s�hez
-- nem kezelheted �gy, mintha a saj�tok lenne, mintha te k�sz�tetted volna
-- nem adhatod el a bet�t�pust, semmilyen form�ban.
-- nem m�dos�thatod a bet�t�pus bet�it, grafikai �llom�ny�t


Ha kereskedelmi c�lra szeretn�d felhaszn�lni a bet�t�pust, t�bbek k�z�tt p�ld�ul: scrapook k�szletekhez, log�khoz, blog design-hoz, eBay vagy Etsy term�k�k oldal�hoz, n�vjegyk�rty�khoz, ebook-okhoz vagy olyan tev�kenys�g sor�n szeretn�d haszn�lni, aminek v�gz�se k�zben, vagy k�vetkezt�ben bev�telre teszel szert, akkor olvasd tov�bb a felhaszn�l�si felt�teleket:

Ha kereskedelmi c�lra szeretn�d felhaszn�lni a bet�t�pust, akkor kereskedelmi jogot kell v�s�rolnod, ami miatt k�rlek keress az info[kukac] email c�men.

Minden jog fenntartva, bele�rtve a m�dos�t�s, elad�s stb jog�t. A Te felel�ss�ged id�r�l id�re ellen�rizni a Felhaszn�l�si felt�telek esetleges m�dosul�s�t.

Minden jog fenntartva.
Kors�s Szabina


Thank you for downloading my free font.


You do not need my permission to use the font.


Personal use or non-profit use, enjoy the fonts for free.

- You may use the fonts for your own personal use and / or non-profit use.
- You may use the fonts on your personal webpage / blog.
- You may use the fonts for non-profit organizations.
- You may use the fonts in personal layouts/projects that will be posted to online galleries and submitted to magazines for publication, as long as the font name and a link to is given.

- The fonts MAY NOT be used for any harmful, pornographic, or racial material or material that may be deemed harmful or offensive to another person.
- You may not claim the fonts as your own.
- The fonts MAY NOT be SOLD in any way, shape, or form, including but not limited to: as Photoshop brushes, embroidery font files, or PNGs.


If you�d like to use the fonts for commercial use, including, but not limited to digital scrapbooking kits, logos, blog design, eBay or Etsy product pages, business cards, e-books, or any type of art that will be used for the purpose of selling or generating income, please read the following terms.

If you�d like to use the fonts for commercial use, you may purchase a commercial use license for a single font, just email me to speak its deatails: info [at]

I retain and reserve the right to modify, update and change the Terms of Use for all fonts at anytime with or without notice. It is your responsibility to check for updates and changes to the Terms of Use.

All rights reserved
Szabina Korsos

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